JUMC Youth Group
Youth are the future of our families, society, and church. We believe that youth deserve a chance to express themselves through music, sports, fellowship, and the love of God. Youth can face challenges in many aspects of their lives; we hope to help them learn meaningful skills that will help them navigate through their journey with Christ. Our hope is to lead them on a path centered around God, that will help shape their views of the world and motivate their futures. Our ultimate goal is to create a youth environment that encourages friendships to develop based on shared interests and the love of Christ. Our group offers an opportunity for fun while developing friendships and spiritual growth.
Jefferson Youth PM – Sunday nights 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Our group begins with game time. This will be followed by students joining together in the youth room for snacks and to hear a message. After this, students will break up into small groups to read and discuss biblical text, and for other activities.
Yearly Events Include Spring Youth Retreat, YAC (Youth Annual Conference), Youth Group Summer Mash UP, as well as other events scheduled throughout the year.
For more information please feel free to email: call 440-576-4561
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. –Proverbs 22:6